

Downloads Programs Mobile Utilities WorldUnlock Codes Calculator 4.4

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Download instructions:
  • Click on the download button above, then on Accept into the browsers pop-up box
  • Once the download is complete, double-click the installer to begin the installation process
  • Follow the steps of the installer
  • Enjoy your application!


Pusing ketika kita lupa password kode keamanan HP kita? Bingung, GimanaCara Buka,... mau nyari nyari kemana gak ketemu. Trus kita pergi ke counter dengan membayar kurang lebih “Rp.50.000 – Rp.200.000″? Apalagi buat anak kost, wih gile banyak abis duit segitu, apalagi buat anak sekolah sama kuliahan. Ampon dah.. Uang jajan bisa abis buat benerin HP gara² lupa security doank! Nah, ni gw kasi toolsnya. Tinggal download dan gunain deh. Gampang kok, gak bakal nyampe 50.000 degh. Kcuali lw sambil maen game sampe 10 Jam di warnet buatdownload sambil nge-game. Wkwkw.. Yok dah kite mulai.. Nah, tools ini adalah sebuah aplikasi untuk Unlocking Nokia, Siemens, Vitel, Maxel, Panasonic, LG, AEG, Samsung, dan Motorola. Nih penjelasan detailnya”

WorldUnlock Kalkulator adalah sebuah aplikasi gratis untuk Nokia, Siemens, Vitel, Maxel, Panasonic, LG, AEG, Samsung, dan Motorola untuk membuka kode keamanan dan security lainnya.

Include MasterCode kalkulator yang dapat me-reset kode pengaman handphone.

Panduan Cara Buka (Password) Kode Keamanan  Segala Jenis HP:
1. Pilih model telepon dari daftar.
2. Masukkan nomor IMEI telepon Anda (Tekan * # 06 # pada telepon)
3· Pilih negara dan penyedia layanan di mana ponsel dibeli.
4· Tekan tombol: Calculate!
5· Nah selanjutnya muncul beberapa unlock codes.
6. 7 kode akan ditampilkan, gunakan kode pertama dimulai dari +7.
7· Jika belum bekerja, coba +1 dan yang terakhir +5.
8· Bila telepon menampilkan “Sim restriction off” itu berarti sudah tidak terkunci.
9· Jika hanya dua kode yang ditampilkan (+1 dan +2) masukkan code tersebut bersamaan!

Kode akan ditampilkan pada form: # pw + CODE + n #
Untuk memperoleh huruf: p, w atau +, tekan tombol * beberapa kali.

Masukkan kode dengan benar dengan menghapus semua simcard dari telepon, kemudian hidupkan telepon kembali dan kemudian masukkan kode.

Fitur “WorldUnlock Codes Calculator” adalah:

· Unlock Nokia
· Unlock LG
· Unlock Panasonic
· Unlock Maxon
· Unlock Samsung
· Unlock AEG/Telital
· Unlock Alcatel
· Unlock Siemens
· Unlock Sony
· Unlock Vitel

NOTE: XP/Vista/7 Is OK :D

cara flash samsung c3303i via usb tanpa box

flash samsung biasnya diunakan untuk memperbaiki kerusakan software blank, hank dll.pertama ynag harus kamu sipkan adalah softare utuk flash contoh: C3303K flash loader 7.4.4 SSG VD.5 anda bisa mendonloadnya di sini kedua firmwarenya untuk samsung champ C3303i anda juga  bisa download di sini sedangkan untu mendapatka drivernya tidak usah nyari lagi karna sudah ada di flash loader  

Persiapan :
1. Pindahkan semua hal penting yang ada di memory hp ke memory card
2. Matikan HP
3. Tekan tombol volume bawah + kunci.
4. Colokan kabel micro usb ke hp, dan ke komputer.
5. Komputer akan minta driver. Instal driver manual aja, driver ada di flash loader.
6. Setelah install driver selesai, lepas kabel usb.

1. Buka Flash loader 7.4.4_SSG_v0.5.exe
2. klik set model, lalu pilih C3300_LIBRE_Setting_v02.mdl

3. centang "Application binary file", klik browse, pilih C3300KJP.ptt (dari folder C3303KJPJI2)

4. centang "TFS File", klik browse, pilih C3303KJPJI2.tfs

5. centang "CSC File", klik browse, pilih

6. klik START.
7. tekan lagi volume bawah + kunci, colokan kabel micro usb ke champ dan komputer
8. proses flasing otomatis akan langsung jalan. Tunggu sampai selesai.
9. Jika HP sudah keluar icon Charging, berarti proses flashing sudah selesai. Jika HP masih Mati jangan sekali-kali cabut kabel.
10. Hidupkan HP, dan cek apakah proses flashing berhasil.

Kalau gagal, silahkan ulang mulai dariawal.

Saya tidak bertanggung jawab jika terjadi kerusakan pada HP anda.

Setelah berhasil proses reflashing maka anda akan mendapatkan beberapa perubahan pada Champ anda, diantaranya adalah
1. Terdapat font Choco Choky
2. Terdapar Handwriting Recognition (Tapi Virtual Keyboard Qwerty menjadi hilang)
3. Tombol spasi ada dibawah angka 9, tidak dikanan lagi
4. Ada English Dictionary
5. Menu menjadi ada 4, terdapat tambahan aplikasi muslim

Tapi bahasa indonesia menjadi hilang, pilihan bahasa berubah menjadi arab dll

Jika anda ingin mengembalikan ke firmware awal/asal (Ada bahasa indonesia, menu ada 3, ada virtual keyboard QWERTY, dll) lakukan flashing seperti diatas dengan menggunakan firmware berikut download di sini

jika hp mati total (MATOT)

1.liat versi firmware yang anda download (jika ponsel anda bertipe K maka download yang firmware K contoh C3303KJPJI2 .  jika yang tipe i download yang tipe i contoh C3303iJPJI2

Cara Mengatasi Gagal Flashing Samsung Galaxy Chat GT-B5330


Cara nya :

1. Xtract File yang didownload tadi cari file zanin.pit.

2. buka odin dari file yang telah di extract tdi.

3. Lalu klik kolom PIT terus carin file zanin.pit yang telah di extract tadi.

4. colokin dulu galchat ente yang gagal flashing tadi terus tunggu ampe ada logo upgrade tersebut lalu tekan vol down+power ( untuk masuk ke modo)
lalu tekan vol up.

5.jika sudah kedetek sama si udin eh odin di kolom pesan ada notice added!! langsung saja klik start untuk memulai proses flash zanin.pit ke galchat.

6.ntar hh hidup kembali cuma mentok di logo merek, saat mentok di logo merek tekan Vol down+power untuk masuk lagi ke modo disini mulai lah untuk flasing stock rom/firmware galchat.

7.kalau sudah selesai flasing, lalu hh hidup kembali.. cepet masuk ke recovery mode( vol up+power) lalu factory reset terus reboot sampe logo samsung boot animation cabut batre hidup kan kembali hh dengan tombol power insyallah hh ente hidup kembali ..

ini pengalaman ane saat gagal flasing sebelum nya ini cuma experiment ane coba coba eh ternyata bisa jdi jalan keluar nya..

Pasti ada yang bertanya??

Kenapa mesti flasing file zanin.pit apa enggak langsung flashing firmware aja??

jawab : karena sebelum ane flashing zanit.pit saat proses flashing firmware, hh terputus atau mati sendiri otomatis flashing via Odin FAIL. enggak sampe ±30 detik hh mati sendiri. tapi setelah ane coba flashing zanin.pit hh lancar lancar aja di modo, jdi saat flashing di odin gk Fail lagi.

pengalaman ane semoga membantu suatu saat.

Jika ada yang kurang jelas brtanyalah:D ?

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New SDKs for New Galaxy
For more information on each SDK, click the button below.

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Samsung Chord SDK  2.0.0

Download Samsung USB Drivers for Android devices

If you’ve ever been in need of a tutorial on how to root a Samsung Android device from our site, you surely saw that we always tell gadget users to follow certain requirements that only apply to their device model.

One of those pre-requisites tells you that you must download and flash, on a laptop (or comp) USB drivers for the phone or tablet you specifically want rooted.
Apart from making sure your gadget is well rooted, USB drivers also help with file transfer between your device and your notebook when it’s time for something of the like. If you follow our guide, you will see that downloading and using USB drivers are not tasks which can be performed only by specialists. Also, once you are sure how exactly a manual installation of Samsung drivers is done, KIES software will not be needed anymore.
The method we chose for this guide is available for users of the following device variants: Galaxy Note 2 GT-N7100, Galaxy S GT-I9000, Galaxy Note GT-N7000, Galaxy S3 GT-I9300, Galaxy S2 GT-I9100, Galaxy S3 GT-I9305, Galaxy S2 GT-I9100G and every other Samsung Galaxy S model ever
After letting you know what phones you can use for this tutorial, let’s begin our download and install guide. You should know that there is a zip online which contains every single USB driver meant for a rooting procedure; however, they are meant solely for specialists such as developers.
Even so, we will show you how to get them and then use them on your handset even if you are a newbie. Be careful, though: this zip file works with a laptop or a PC which has Windows on it. The drivers required for your Samsung device can be acquired without a flashing of KIES software.


  1. Number one task to perform in the beginning of our tutorial: make sure your notebook or comp works with either Windows X64 or Windows X86 versions.
  2. Then read these instructions: download Samsung USB drivers on your laptop here, from the official Internet page belonging to Samsung (or from a thread on XDA Developers forum dedicated to USB drivers), then get rid of the following on your handset: older versions of USB drivers pre-flashed on your model.

  3. The task that comes after these two: restart the notebook. Then head over to where you downloaded the necessary file and then open it after you’ve unzipped it. After the file is finally launched, you should move on with the tutorial by applying the steps below.
  4. After the USB drivers for your Samsung Galaxy S series model are installed, you will have to restart your notebook. When the latter is booted into Normal Mode, you should do this: plug your smartphone to the notebook (with the USB cord of your handset) and the respective drivers will have ended up on your device.
  5. As soon as you see them, you will be able to test them by trying this out: transfer files that are on your laptop to your smartphone’s SD card root. If it works, the USB drivers are successfully flashed. If the transfer does not happen, redo the guide

Install ADB/USB Drivers for Android devices

Installing ADB/USB Drivers on your Android phone is an easy task if you know your way around a device.

SDK installation

  1. First, you will need to setup the Android Software Development Kit downloaded from Google. For that, you have to first download the said file and then run the necessary executable to open it.
  2. Next: modify the directory to C partition, into the android-sdk directory and select the the Software Development Kit manager (SDK) afterwards.
  3. Step 3: opt for
    Android SDK Platform Tools
    Android SDK Tools
    Google USB Driver Package

    When you are done, tap on Continue.
  4. android-usbStep 4: you will see some instructions; your job is to follow them accordingly.
  5. Now click Settings, opt for Applications, select Development and tick the checkbox that’s next to USB Debugging (should your handset’s operating system be the Android 4.0 one, you need to tap on Settings, then Developer Options and tick the checkbox next to USB Debugging).
  6. For step 5 you have to connect the smartphone to your laptop and then launch the laptop’sFile Explorer.
  7. Step 6: access the C partition then search the android-sdk directory into it.
  8. Step 7: when you find it, access the tools directory from the android-sdk then activate theCommand line in Windows.
  9. For step number 9 you have to choose the option which says something similar with Open the command line here. Wait for
    to come on-screen (if your comp sports Windows XP, you will need to open a Command Prompt like this: use the Start > Cmd method and tap on Enter; next enter
    cd c:\android-sdk\platform-tools\
    and click on Enter). Type
    adb devices
    using the Command line and hit Enter after every command.
  10. Step 10: wait until the device’s serial number appears. Should you not spot it anywhere, you are going to have to initiate the drivers installation process by hand. And with this last step, your Android device finally features ADB/USB Drivers.

How to install Fastboot

Now you can, if you want, install Fastboot. To do that, follow these few steps.
  1. The first of them tells you to download a folder you’ll find named as fastboot.exe online.
  2. Step number two: save it on the laptop you work with and then extract the archive from the previously created folder.
  3. When you finish with that, the third step needs you to do the following: move the fastboot.exe into the following location: the platform-tools directory belonging to the Android SDK.
  4. Finally, the fourth step wants you to enter fastboot commands via the Command line, as usual.

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